Upcoming Events (Page 2)

Upcoming Events (Page 2)

Baby & Child Dedications

Baby & Child Dedications Mother’s Day | Sunday, May 11th A Child Dedication is a ceremony in which parents make a public commitment before the Lord to raise their child according to God’s Word and God’s ways. Parents who dedicate a child are making a promise to the Lord to raise the child in a godly way (1 Samuel 1:11, 26-28). To register for our next Child Dedication Ceremony please register below. REGISTER: Click Here

Mother’s Day Services

Mother’s Day Services Sunday, May 11th at 9am & 10:15am We invite you to join us in-person or online this Mother’s Day as we recognize mothers for who they are and all they do for us. It’s going to be an exciting day as we worship the Lord and also bless our moms in a big way. And to create special memories – we’ll also have Baby & Child Dedications on Mother’s Day. REGISTER FOR DEDICATIONS: Click Here

Youth Camp ’25

Camp Date: June 29th – July 2nd | 6th – 12th Grade Don’t miss out on the best camp experience of your life filled with amazing worship, incredible messages and unforgettable competitions. And the best part will be doing all of this with your closest friends! On Time Registration: $300 total. A $99 Deposit and Online Registration along with a signed “Camp Consent Form” are required by Wednesday, April 9th. Late Registration: $310 total. A $99 Deposit and Online Registration…

Puerto Rico Mission’s Trip ’25

July 24th – July 31st | $1999 | 13+ yrs old We believe that every follower of Christ is called to share the gospel. To facilitate that belief, Christ Covenant Church is excited to announce our upcoming missions trip to Puerto Rico! This missions trip will give the unique opportunity to spread the love of Jesus Christ through various ministries for the people of San Juan, Puerto Rico.  COST: Total trip cost including the deposit is $1999 (all inclusive including…
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